Friday, August 10, 2007

Meteor Shower This Weekend

We are in dire need of rain, and it will be several days before showers return to the forecast. However, there is one shower that we can always count on every August, the Perseid Meteor Shower. We should have nearly perfect conditions for this event which peaks Saturday night just after midnight. With a New Moon phase currently, the darkened sky will make the perfect back drop for the Perseids as they streak across the sky. Also, with dry air in place, there will not be any haze to block the view. The Perseid Meteor shower is a great astronomy event which the whole family can enjoy without the need of binoculars or a telescope. You will want to be in an area away from the city lights and you should be able to see up to one meteor per minute. Again the peak time is just after midnight Saturday night through the predawn hours. The next several nights through next week will still exhibit some meteors, but not at the rate that will be possible Saturday night. Enjoy!

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